Thursday, March 13, 2014

Entry 1: South Brunswick Robotics

The Scribe: I heard that you take interest in South Brunswick's Robotics team, can you recall a story about them?

The Emperor: There was a robotics competition some time ago, which I graced with my presence. It was the states level of the robots or something, and I made an appearance as part of my ceremonial responsibilities to the 750E team as their Holy Emperor. From the beginning of the day, it would seem as if we were cursed by the heretics present. The Netvex did not function properly and my dear imperial robot failed to move. However, thanks to the resilience and determination of my subjects, the netvex was fixed and heretic’s curse removed. Though we won all the three games after that, in the last one it would seem as if I had exhausted my energy to perform another prayer ceremony and we were defeated by the 750R team. However, the R team was swiftly punished for their heretical actions by the gods above as they did not make it to the Worlds level of the competition. Sadly, the same fate was bestowed upon my holy team as well. As I think back, I have only myself to blame. I had performed a ritual the night earlier which bordered on satanic, and my dear protector must have been disappointed. Even though the 750E team lost, they proved that they could go from last place to the semifinals; a statement of strength and determination. It is important to remember that we must strive on. There is one year yet, and that is the year when the heretics will burn.